Merit Systems Protection Board Attorney: Speak with an MSPB Lawyer
Quinn Patton represents federal employees who have been discriminated or retaliated against, harrassed, and denied promotions or raises. Many of these cases go through the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB).
The MSPB has nine standards that govern the federal workforce as part of the executive branch. The MSPB is supposed to protect the Federal merit system against prohibited practices, partisan politics, etc. If a federal employee wants to appeal something (like a demotion, pay discrepancy, wrongful termination, denial of a reasonable accommodation, etc.), an appeal should be filed with the Merit System Protection Board.
You can learn about the MSPB here. If you are currently working with the MSPB, or considering it, schedule a free legal consultation with an MSPB attorney to discuss your legal strategy and options. Call 443-247-5444 to schedule a no-cost phone consultation with Quinn Patton.
Why Hire an MSPB Lawyer Licensed in the District of Columbia
The MSPB appeals process can be challenging for an employee, or former employee, to navigate. It is afterall, the federal government, so it can be slow and bureaucratic. The process itself must be followed exactly and failure to do so (even due to a misunderstanding) can lead to unfavorable results for the employee.
When you file an appeal with the MSPB the case goes before a judge. The department you work for will have an attorney representing them in that matter. If you don't hire an employment attorney to represent you with the Merit Systems Protection Board, you'll have to prepare all of the legal documents on your own and represent yourself before a judge - against a trained attorney. It can be overwhelming even for professionals with business and writing experience.
Hiring an MSBP attorney increases your chances of successfully resolving your case. Quinn Patton, formerly the Quinn Law Group, has a history of successfully resolving MSPB cases in a way that is favorable to the employee. Our attorneys are skilled negotiators and litigators, barred in state and federal court in Maryland and the District of Columbia, enabling us to represent clients in MSPB cases and the court system.

MSBP Employment Lawyer: Merit Systems Protection Board Lawyer Maryland/D.C.
If you have a case pending before the Merit Systems Protection Board it's important to speak with an MSPB attorney right away. You can schedule a FREE consultation with an employment attorney by calling 202-508-3644 or clicking here.